The Von Merzenburg Fund for New Initiatives

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Now how about those Holiday pounds?

Dear Franz,

I've gained a little weight this Holiday Season, any advice on how to get back in shape?

My dear, weak and fat reader,

Shame on you!  Just do what I do at parties.. Stand back, relax and just glare at people like you, and there's just no way you'll let that happen again! Think of Our Stars, and what they go through in the constant scrutiny of the camera - in other words, always think of yourself being filmed or photographed, and you'll have a much harder time shoving an entire dip filled cracker in your pie hole, and much harder time finishing that glass of wine in two gulps. You know that's what you did and you know that's exactly how you "gained a little weight this holiday season".  

But allow me to answer your question. Follow my advice and you'll be back to seeing that hip bone in no time! 
1. No carbs
2. Never eat while no one's watching (never eat in private), and then
3. Never eat more than 6 oz...

And don't forget those 8 -10 glasses of water a day! 

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