Dear Franz,
I am six months pregnant with my first child and I DESPERATELY want a girl. I’m not sure why, exactly — I have great relationships with my father/brothers/nephews/husband — but the desire is so strong I’m a little concerned. I’ve insisted on not finding out the baby’s gender. I’m claiming I want to be surprised, but really it’s because I’ll be devastated if it’s a boy.
If it is a boy, how do I handle the disappointment and avoid being unfair to an innocent little baby? I’m hoping that once my real-live baby is in front of me, I won’t care what it is. Does this happen?
O my God! Who cares?
Who cares?
I think what's not getting through your head is this: you're about to have a baby. And what's the difference between a girl baby and a boy baby?
Nothing. Only that one gender can projectile urinate on you. They both scream. They both cry. And they both defecate into "diapers" that have to be "changed."
And tell me... How many years do you have to be around the child until boarding school? Six years tops? A long time, yes - but do you have to be around them all the time?
I don't think so. Have you ever heard of vacation?
And I try to put myself in your shoes. What would I do differently with a girl or boy baby?
Not too much...... Actually nothing..
Personally my poodle Lulu - yes, she's a girl. But would I care if she were a boy? Perhaps. Because I like the name Lulu, and it's not a boy's name.
So it IS a boy - then why not try to think of a girl name that could be also be a boy name? Like Chris... Or Frauke?
In either case, you have a 50/50 chance of being upset if you continue with this attitude. So get over it. Move on to the next thought - like that first bottle of Champagne you'll drink as SOON as you hand that thing over to the Wet Nurse!
Isn't that some to look foward too?
And P.S. Look at the photo - can you tell if it's a girl baby or a boy? I can't...
And P.P.S..........For more tips on the rearing of children - buy the ebook! Dear Franz: Tips for Everyman from the Duke of Merzenburg!
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