The Von Merzenburg Fund for New Initiatives

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mother Hurt Over Belated Pregnancy Announcement

This one made me laugh! I hope it does you too!

Dear Franz,

My daughter showed up at my house, for a planned visit, six months pregnant. She had not breathed a word of it even though she and I talk several times a week. She is 31 with a lovely husband and a good career, so I would have been nothing short of thrilled to share in the joy of expecting my first grandchild. My feelings are terribly hurt that she kept it secret almost till the end. Am I being too sensitive here? And how do I handle the fact that we apparently aren't as close as I believed we were?

Dear Reader,

I can think of many reasons why your daughter didn't tell you. The first one that comes to mind is that she was probably going to have an abortion and either didn't get around to it, or decided not to. The second thing that comes to mind is that she didn't know she was pregnant. Some people don't show until late in pregnancy. I had to think hard for a third reason, and I guess it could've slipped her mind when she was talking to you. OR she was depressed about it and didn't want to talk about it, which is very understandable considering what her body will be going through (it can take YEARS to get one's figure back).

In any case, I would not give it a second thought. I once had a lady friend who carried a child to term: I knew about the pregnancy the entire time, and that's all she talked about. Be happy you weren't me! She talked about being sick, then it was that the baby was kicking (who cares) and then it was baby names! Just a pick a name! So at this point you only have three months of hearing about this mess. Or not! It seems to me like your daughter doesn't like opening up to you, so there's a big chance that you won't have to hear about any of it. I wouldn't be surprised if you heard about the birth from a postal "birth announcement". So yes, if you haven't heard anything about it from your daughter in three months - don't forget to open your mail around that time: it may be the news your looking for.

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