Many of you may not know this, but I do a lot of research in my spare time concerning causes that are interesting to me and my life. For years, many of my friends have been urging me to write on a subject that's been near and dear to our hearts: Namely this is AID: Alcohol Ingestive Disorder.
For centuries now, many people have thought they've been suffering from what is typically and derisively called "A Hangover". Many people have been scrutinized and refused the medical help they've deserved, because they were told that they were "brought it on themselves." "Don't drink so much and you won't get a hangover."
Not true. What we know now, is that many people simply suffer from AID. And do you know what? The scientists tell us that there is no cure for AID. But that's what I'd like to work on. In 2011 it is simply inexcusable that scientists have not come up for a cure for something that effects most of the western world. Does that even make sense? They're busy working on problems in Africa and Eurasia? They need to start looking in their own backyards.
I've been a first hand witness to the devastating effects of AID: I've seen it year after year after year: Someone cancels brunch or doesn't show up to brunch because of AID. It happens every Sunday.
And I've lost some very good friends to AID: They've had to give up drinking all together and subsequently we never see each other again.
Yes there will be cynics who say that such a disease isn't real: it's "pyschosomatic." And sure: many people don't suffer from AID whatsoever, and that's true. My friend Sarah Ferguson can drink all she wants in the evening and start drinking again first thing in the morning, as if she was perfectly fine. Quite often I can do that too. But other times the effects of AID can be debilitating and painful, which is why we need to band together and force our governments and scientists to do something about this! Anything else is unacceptable.
In the coming days, we'll be talking about AID and what we can do about it. Home cures, homeopathic medicine, etc. I'll be rangling up my celebrity friends to help bring awareness to this cause. Together we CAN make a difference!
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