"Everything in Moderation"
That's one of the common sense diet and lifestyle advice that I think will fit in well with my diet and lifestyle advice book that millions are dying to get their hands on!
Everything in Moderation: and who says that can't include binging?
I know that, every so often, most of us like to spend days at a time in bed binging on chocolates and egg liqueur. Who says that can't be a part of a healthy lifestyle?? Well, it can be.
Though it must be proceeded by serious fasting and subsequent purging, taking to one's bed for days on end with boxes and boxes of the world's best chocolate is a time honored tradition that, somehow has recently been "poo-poo'ed" by certain people. Why is that? Well, for one, many people don't do it the right way and end up becoming obese or unsightly. And that's not a good thing.
Mark your calendar, or have your maid or assistant do it for you: "I will be in bed from the 27-29th of this month". Then you give yourself time to fast in preparation, and make the necessary arrangements for the "post binge purge" as some experts like to call it.
And yes, I am aware with today's busy lifestyle, not everybody has time to plan for this. Say something bad happens, like a party goes horribly wrong - something not expected. You can still take to your bed with your favorite sweets (mine happen to chocolate cognac balls). It requires just a little more effort from you in the purge stage; just be aware of it! So when it's time to get yourself out of that bed, here are some cleansing tips to get yourself back on track:
1. The Master Cleanse: I really can't do this without heavy medication, but when I do do it, it's successful each and every time! You can do it in your home - no need to travel to a spa!
2. A Colonic Spa: If you're still feeling a little bit lethargic, this is what I recommend. Just lay back and relax and let science cleanse you. You'll leave feeling light as a feather.
3. The Sauerkraut juice and Sauna Diet. This is a light diet that I invented that really packs results. It's simply drinking lots of sauerkraut juice and four hours a day Sauna at twenty minute increments. Also something you can do at home without having to travel to a Spa. In this economy people are looking for ways save their pennies, and this is one of them.
I plan on being in bed much of the beginning of next week, and I look forward all those little choco-cups filled with delicious egg liqueur! By the end of the week I'll have done my cleanse and by next Saturday's party, no one will believe I'd ever even touched so much as a single truffle! Only you and I will know my secret....:)
How about eating sensibly?
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