Dear Franz,
Are you friends with Sarah Ferguson? What is up with her? Please give us some "Inside Scoop" on her.
Well let me tell you. You've come to the right person. She's absolutely fine! Yes, she had that horribly embarrassing video where she was in the hotel room trying to sell access to Andrew. Yes. But really - what was wrong with that?
Why should she give away access to her ex husband? That makes no sense to me. If someone wants to give her 500,000 pounds to set up a meeting with her ex - who cares? To me, the desperate ones were the ones willing to pay so much. Don't you agree? The only tragedy was this grainy video. ANYONE looks bad, smoking a cigarette in a hotel room on a grainy video. That's all there is to it. Sitting open legged didn't help matters, and I told her that flat out.
Sarah is a dear friend of mine. She's the one of the only persons I have genuine fun with to "slum it".. That to us is boozing it up at parties in Hollywood and/or New York. I hate to use such a cliché, but you know - "new money". It's always the same! It's true!
Sarah is a good time girl, yes. She panders, sometime, I know. But good for her, I say, because people always take the bait. And she knows what she's doing. I think.
Next month we're going to a party in "East Hampton" together. These people are starved for the likes of her (and yours truly). Some in our circles decry socializing with these people. But I think it's kind. And whilst we may not be King and Queen, you would think that we were - the way we strike awe/fear in these people. We get such a kick out of it - it's quite fun, and perfectly harmless. Every time we're in "The Hamptons" - people there are trying to tell us how old it is, and historic and exclusive. We just nod our heads and try to contain our laughter. We absolutely cannot look at each other.
So Sarah! Bon Courage! Alles wird schön! We see each other next month in "The Hamptons".
P.S. Sorry about the photo Sarah. But you have to admit it's funny!:)
I saw Sarah water skiing in Lake Geneva. She wasn't drunk at all!