Yes, of course I was at Princess Victoria's wedding to her personal trainer!
Don't say anything about that. At first we were laughing - we were like "what in the hell is going on here? Are we really here? Really? Queen Silvia is letting Victoria marry her trainer?"
And the answer, quite simply - is yes. King Carl and Silvia seemed to be ok about it. At the end of the night, we were all in good spirits and just let it go.
Princess Letizia of Spain told me that, for the longest time they thought she might be a lesbian or something, so they are just happy that she got married.
It's not idle gossip if Letizia says it's so. So just for the record - I was NOT the one to say it. I always thought Victoria was precious. But it did leave me to wonder if the trainer man (Prince now - gag), was a gay. You never know, because of course, every gay wants a royal wedding - it's their dream. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark told me that at the reception.
Speaking of Denmark.
And I KNOW I should have Twittered all the while I was there. But I thought that would be tacky, and thought I would wait. And besides that, I hate typing on an iPhone: so tedious. Why do people do that? (my assistant could not be at the wedding - I know, I thought about that.)
But speaking of Denmark. I heard this one from Countess Gunnila Bernadotte af Winsborg. She was saying that she was waiting for the toilet (even Countesses have to wait sometime..) And she was waiting with Crown Princes Mette Marit from Norway for a stall and they were waiting forever. And then FINALLY, after God knows how long, the door opened up, a huge clowd of cigarette smoke burst out - followed by (you guessed it!) H.R.H. Queen Margarete II of Denmark! She's still hiding out smoking after all these years! We all laughed so hard. Especially Bernadotte - it's so cute to see an old woman laughing - especially when her tiara practically falls off (we laughed even harder then!).
All in all, it was just good to see everybody together again - it's so nice to see everybody in their best. It was like a family reunion.
I danced all night - with just about everyone - including Queen Rania of Jordan, who was said to have been injured in a drunk driving accident on a Vespa. I asked her about it and she looked at me like I had two heads. Where would that have come from if it wasn't true? Is there another Rania I don't know about it? Could be. I can't picture her on a Vespa. Drunk, yes - on a Vespa no.
And yes, everybody was asking me about my Dear Franz thing - and I just had to tell them that I was away. Actually I was on a cure in Mozambique. But I WAS back in time for Donatella's annual Eurovision Party. That was a hoot. We laughed until we cried. Don't ever say Miss V. doesn't have a sense of humor. She's actually a born mimic. If I could have a video of her making fun of the Irish entry.....One would piss oneself. I KEPT trying to get her to do it at the wedding (no, I don't know why she was there either) but she absolutely refused.... I still think about it though - with Isabelle Huppert doing Irish step dancing in the background... Oh Christ.)
I WILL have to write about this party though. I totally have forgotten of it.
But it reminds me - one last thing about the royal wedding - and she's going to hate my guts about it, but Donatella spilled a drink on Prince Albert....AND King Constantine of Greece! I thought I would bust my gut. She was spinning around and must have completely forgotten that she was holding a new glass of champagne -and what do you know. I will never forget Crown Princess Maxima's face - what a smirk. Both the Prince and the King laughed, as they were both somewhat.. beschwipst themselves. And I know I told you that I wouldn't mention it again D, but I promised Maxima I would. Sorry - I owe you:)
I had great time Franz. You didn't mention that YOU spun me in front of Prince Albert - dipshit!