Dear Franz,
My nephew, “Charles,” a minister in his 50s, confided to me that he is unhappy in his marriage and is attracted to someone else. He asked me to keep this confidential, and I have. Charles’ wife and I are together a few hours per week on a regular basis. She is concerned because he seems depressed and spends most of his time at home sleeping. She knows Charles considers me a mother figure now that both his parents are deceased. She is suggesting that perhaps he has shared with me some of the reasons for his depression. I feel horrible. If this comes out— and it will—Charles’ wife will feel betrayed on many levels. I don’t know what to do. Can you help?
I love this and can't wait to hear how this turns out!
You see, this just proves that ALL "ministers" and evangelicals are hypocrites who are eventually exposed for the world to see!
Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, Elmer Gantry!
It's just one of those things people live for. The public loves the fall of a "preacher" better than a happy ending or the birth of a baby! I guess it's just human nature. I'm just saying this so you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it - just watch it unfold. Hopefully he has a different last name than yours, so you won't have to get tied into it.
More than likely - it won't be just his adultery problems that come to light. I bet you dollar to donuts (did I get that phrase right?) that there will be tax issues, and embezzling! Who knows what else.
But do realize: this too shall pass. That means, after the scandal (and if there's any prison time involved for the money issues), all he has to do is cry before his congregation and beg for their forgiveness. Most people don't like to admit they were wrong - and your nephew's congregation won't either. They've given him so much of their money, they don't want to feel like they've been duped. They'll all go on like nothing happened, and in a couple years, your nephew will be back to his holier-than-thou ways.
Make sure to email me the name of your nephew so that I can receive "google alerts" concerning the unfolding scandal.
For more great advice like this - make sure to buy the book "Dear Franz" now available on iTunes! OR for your Kindle!
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