Applause for me!
It's here:
That's right. My new book is available now for YOU, the reader - and it's on Amazon. It's ready for your Kindle or iPad or whatever! Who cares as long as you buy it and learn from it. That's what's important.
My goal now is this: to sell 2,000,000 copies by August 1st!
If everyone tells 1000 friends - then together we'll reach this goal before we know it! Won't that be fun?
I just know it will be. So don't forget to tell your 1000 friends and buy it today! I look forward to hearing your reaction too. My new assistant Ute is already busy getting your letters together for a sequel. But we'll see first... I need to go on a couple of Sleep Cures before I even think about doing that. But I can't ignore your cries for help forever - so... We'll see...
In the meantime! I'll see YOU at!
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