Dear Readers,
For the past couple of weeks I'd been "slumming it" in Berlin. Which I do every year during the Berlin Film Festival. I love slumming it there! And I so desperately wanted to "blog" and "twitter" about it, but I just didn't feel like it and couldn't bring myself to do it. One has such good intentions, but it really is sleep, party, premiere - sleep, party, premiere. It's much more exhausting than one would think. And we barely saw any movies!
I was with (who else) my best friends, Donatella and Maxima. And what we would usually end up doing was walking down the red carpet, waving, taking our seats in the theater. And as soon as the lights would go down, we'd stand up and get out of there! Why, you might ask? Well, so many of the "films" they had this year were from either the Middle East, Africa or South East Asia! I cannot stand watching those! I understand the point: to make one depressed. But my life is too short and much to busy for such nonsense! When I want to see something sad, I like to go to the opera. It's much more pretty. Seeing sad Asians, Africans and/or Middle East people being mean to each other on camera just makes me want to scream! I know several friends of mine would disagree with me. "Cinema can be a window to the world", said HRH Letizia, as I was complaining to her. I could tell she was looking away and trying to hold a straight face. Because one thing I know is this: People like a song and dance! That's all there is to it. Come to think about it, I haven't seen a good movie since "Dreamgirls" I don't think. I'll have to ask my assistant. And THAT movie dealt with many "hot topics", including "black issues"! And in the end, they all sang together.
One more film that I loved, that wasn't in competition was Black Swan. I think a good description for it was "heart warmingly disturbing". I think the combination of ballet and madness is a delicious mix, and I really could watch it over and over.
However - be that as it may, the party is over. We're done slumming it, and are all now starting "extreme" diets. Even Letizia. I'm going to be trying a "DIY Sleep Cure", so I'll let you know how that goes.
Until then - my new assistant who I haven't met yet, is supposedly gathering your questions for me to answer! I can't wait for him or her to read them to me. And let me answer a question in advance - everyone has been asking me anyway:
No. Madonna would not let either me or Donatella see clips of her movie while she was here in Berlin trying to hock it. She said we would make fun of her - which is not true, we just wanted to see. I tried to get Princess Maxima to make a royal decree, forcing her, but she said it wouldn't work because Madonna is not her subject.
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