"Dear Franz,
You seem to live it up quite a bit - but never take on weight. Do you have any secrets?"
Yes. I've already addressed them, if you would read my..historical files, or whatever you want to call them. My old stuff that I've already written.
But yes, there's more...
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall! There never seems to be a break when it comes to all night parties and seven course dinners. And who wants to say no? I certainly do not. Who wants to say, "I can't eat this because I need to lose weight."? That's just embarrassing.
I can tell you how to do it the natural way - without powerful drugs.
Really, all one has to do is work a little harder. So say you're at a seven course dinner. Followed by drinks til dawn. Let's say you're an average woman of 99 lbs. or 45 kg. You've eaten and drank approximately 4000 calories over a course of an evening. That means just over three hours of running at ten miles/16 km an hour the next day. In the morning. After consuming sauerkraut and its juices throughout the day (raw) - then repeat your running program. Don't feel satisfied? Try the whole routine again the next day. You'll be all ready to go to that next party two days later.
"But Franz - I have parties like that two, three days in a row sometime. What shall I then do?"
That's easy science. For every day of party - follow it by that many days of running and raw sauerkraut (and its juices)...
It's all about "calories in, calories out"...
Don't forget what I said about try not to eat or drink alone. It saves calories. Eat sauerkraut only for strength..
And if the cleansing effects of the sauerkraut and its juices become to powerful - my choice to stop that just happens to be Afri-Cola. But remember - it's also rich in calories, so take it easy please.
Does that help? I hope it does. Constant parties and dinners that last til dawn, they really work against us. But with a little science to back it up - we can keep things looking GREAT..
P.S. Don't forget this every day tip: Tell your help to add lemon juice to everything - it's a diaretic!
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