Dear Franz,
Recently my mother died and her estate was settled. She left everything to me and my brother on the condition that we sell nothing. I now have her furs. She has a black sable full length, a fox ski jacket and a chinchilla( 3/4 of course). That was it (she was a Jewish refugee from Russia and retained her humble roots, even after becoming a famous romance novelist.) The problem is, is that I don't like furs. Can I sell them? I don't want my brother's wife to have them either.
I get so many questions. And most of them I just read, because of time constraints. But this one takes the cake and I just have to respond.
Perhaps these furs are out of style? Ok. That I can sympathize. But you have can them restyled. So that excuse is out.
Perhaps you think fur is "cruel to animals"? Well, I can tell you that it's not. These animals are treated kindly so that their fur will shiny be, and ...how do you say...Lux. If these animals were treated unfairly or cruelly then their pelts would show it. So that's out too.
Furthermore, do you realize how that in this economy that there are many people who do not have fur coats, and how lucky you are to have three? People are walking around in polyester fiberfilled coats. Is that what you want for yourself?
Maybe you don't have arms? I don't know. Make them into a bedspread. I prefer coyote skins for throws, but I'm sure you're normal furrier could do something for you.
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