Dear Readers,
I feel absolutely horrible for abandoning my advice giving computer page blog thing. It's just that I was on this trip (and believe me, it was a trip) with ... so many people. Mainly I'd have to say Athina Onassis.. It was her boat. And let me tell you that it was just so nice being a guest on someone else's yacht for a change! I've heard so much nice feedback from friends reminding me that I really needed a break from hosting on my boat. Le Sardine. (I bought it from a frenchman in Sardinia, I thought that was clever!)...
Anyhow. For those of you who don't know, I started this page on the advice of my friend Donatella (a very famous fashion designer with a very successful business!). I give such good advice at parties I guess, I don't know - and I was really at a loss of what to do after my two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels died - (I have not ruled out murder, Nigella). I was just bored without them. And this seemed to help. But when I took up with Athena on this trip, which started in Malta, I became preoccupied. But I tried to buckle down, I really did. I told Madonna, "I think this is my new career!".. I love her to death, but she did not take me seriously. I was working up on deck one night, with my laptop and iPhone and trying to be good, when she, yes Madonna and of all people Chelsea Clinton (I have no idea when she got onboard) rushed up to me, and threw my equipment over... right out into the sea.
"You're supposed to be on vacation!!" Madonna said. At first I was upset. But, you know what? She was right. People cannot work months on end without taking a break. That's white slavery.
So people, I have piles and piles of emailed questions from you - printed out for me by new assistant Tee Ton (I think that's how you'd spell it - I found him in Bora Bora. I assume he'll correct me after he reads this). And in between I'll try to regale you with some of my stories from the trip. You could practically write a book about what happened to me. Watch out Athina!
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