The Von Merzenburg Fund for New Initiatives

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Some cars are created more equally than others.

Dear Franz,

I have a rich friend (Her aunt lives in Beverly Hills!). She told me, as I was driving that one should always yield to cars that are more expensive than their own. As a Carolla owner, I was outraged! Where did she hear this? It can't be true.

Dear Toyota owner,

Your friend was only partially correct. One should always yield to European luxury cars. You never have to worry about asian ones, that's for sure. And if you ever come into the situation - as I many times do - where, two Mercedes approach a stop - Model may play as a factor. For example, E class yields to C, etc. etc. And if, by chance the cars are exactly the same - exactly - then cleanliness should be the tie breaker.

All of this simply comes down to old fashioned advice: Know your place.

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